Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Moosed It By Just A Hair

Sarah Palin fired off a loopy criticism of Obama and how he has handled the events in Egypt.  An article on Yahoo news by an independent contributor is quick to point out why every word she says is (surprise!) dead wrong.  Here is what Palin had to say:

"This is the 3 a.m. White House phone call ... that call went right to the answering machine."

"Nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is will be taking the place of Mubarak. ... We need strength and a sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And, we do not have that information yet."

I think the last thing I want to hear is what Sarah Palin considers a sound mind, or the conclusions she thinks it would come to.  The only good that comes of these articles is that surely, oh surely people are reading, and more people who were wavering on the border will come over to the side of common sense. 

Everyone can speak out of turn, and anyone can make a mistake.  This woman is scary because the only thing that outshines her stupidity is her ambition.


  1. An article on Yahoo news by an independent contributor...

    The end of the piece tells us a little more about this "independent contributor":

    William Browning is a research librarian specializing in U.S. politics. Born in St. Louis, Browning is active in local politics and served as a campaign volunteer for President Barack Obama and Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill.

    Interesting how a hardcore Democrat is described as an "independent".

    I think the last thing I want to hear is what Sarah Palin considers a sound mind, or the conclusions she thinks it would come to...

    This woman is scary because the only thing that outshines her stupidity is her ambition.

    Let's look at how Bon's "independent" addresses a particular item:

    When she talks about who America can stand with, it sounds a lot like President George W. Bush when he said, "You're either with us or against us" right before we began the war on terror.

    Who started the war on terror? I guess the "independent" forgot a little incident on 9/11/2001. But it's easier for Bon to accept such a lie. Who is the one being stupid?

  2. But Browning's lies don't end there:

    Palin didn't suggest using military force to compel a regime change but if she feels like diplomacy is failing, what else is there?

    I suspect that this lying "independent" forgot Reagan's dealings with the Soviet Union and George W. Bush's dealings with North Korea and Iran (which didn't get invaded, unlike Iraq).

    I noticed that the "smart" "independent" didn't bother mentioning how Obama wants Egypt to recognize a known terrorist group to be included in the government. Oh what a great idea.

    This Browning is nothing more than a Democratic hack. People who keep calling Palin stupid are projecting.

  3. Sarah's never going to let you fuck her, SteveAR. You'll just have to keep fapping to her appearances on Hannity (it IS Sarah you're fapping to, not Hannity, right SteveAR?).

  4. I think it's Bachmann. Or Palin/Bachmann.

  5. If polling data is accurate, most Americans have already written Palin off as a blithering nincompoop. However, her devoted fan base, while a small minority of the electorate as a whole, does make up a large chunk of the GOP base.

    Unless Palin does the smart thing and stays on the celebrity gravy train, her fans may yet get to see just how unelectable she is nationally. Of course, they'll go to their graves believing ACORN-Muslim-Brotherhood-Code-Pink somehow pulled off a 49-state landslide reelection for Obama in 2012.

  6. "...nothing more than a Democratic hack...I'm shocked..."

    SteveAR passed up an opportunity to misuse 'Democrat' and actually used the proper form. Made it possible to get through his comment, beings as whenever I find the intentional misuse I immediately stop reading as it identifies the commenter as a right wing ideolog.

    Only thing that makes me stop reading/listening faster than an ideolog is there evil younger brother, the salesman.
