Friday, February 11, 2011

The New Serfdom

Florida Republicans figure if you're unemployed, you have too much free time on your hands, and they'd like it back, please.

Florida's jobless could soon have to do unpaid work for a non-profit group in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits.

State Rep. Kathleen Passidomo (R-Naples) recently introduced a bill that would require the state's unemployed to do at least four hours of unpaid service each week to qualify for benefits.

The proposal is likely to be just one element of an overhaul of the state's unemployment compensation system as Gov. Rick Scott and legislators search for ways to reduce its growing costs.

Under the bill, residents who don't meet the volunteer service requirements could be denied unemployment benefits, which could shore up a system that already has a $2.07 billion deficit.

Passidomo has no estimate of savings from the measure. Her hope is that the service requirement would lead to a job and get residents off jobless benefits. "You never know. It could help you get a job. You're not going to get contacts staying home," she said.

Community service already is a requirement in Florida for healthy adults, if they don't have dependent children or are pregnant, for receiving welfare assistance or food stamps. Scott's economic development transition team recommended community service for those on jobless benefits after 12 weeks in its Dec. 22, 2010, report.

So, I'm wondering how long it's going to take before we get to the point where community service becomes mandatory for all citizens.  I don't have a problem with people volunteering.  I have a problem with the government compelling people to do this in exchange for services they are already paying taxes for.

Besides, I thought the government forcing people to work was what Obama's secret volunteer program youth army was for.  Kind of odd to see it's Republicans drafting people into this.  How long before state government employees are simply replaced with people forced to work in order to get food stamps or benefits?

Of course, that would be indentured servitude, and freedom-loving Tea Party types would never go for that.


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