Saturday, February 26, 2011

StupdiNews! The Good, The Bad, The Stupid

From recent news, we have the good, the bad and the stupid:

The good:

NEW YORK — A homeless man who hadn't seen his daughter in 11 years was reunited with her this week, thanks to a tweet.

Three weeks ago, Daniel Morales was given a prepaid cell phone as part of a project documenting the lives of homeless people. He and three other men were asked to share their experiences on the street through 140-character updates.
Morales, 58, quickly amassed more than 3,000 followers. On Wednesday, he tweeted, “Hi thi is to let yo people know that in lookin eoq my daughter her name is sarah m rivera.” He posted his phone number and a picture of his daughter, Sarah Rivera, who was 16 when he last saw her.

The Bad:

ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.

The Stupid:

A 14-month-old girl spent hours trapped inside a Conyers bank vault Friday evening after wandering off from her mother and grandmother, an employee at the Wells Fargo branch.

Police and firefighters were helpless, unable to reach the toddler who had walked into the open vault as the bank was closing for the day. Before the girl, whose name was not made available, could be found, an employee of the branch closed the vault.

O. Henry wrote an awesome short story based on this. It's just surprising to me that this could happen, with the precautions one imagines is in place.

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