Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh For Frak's Sake, Don't We Have Enough Wars Right Now?

We have to "intervene" in Libya now?  Really, David Frum?

President Barack Obama is wrestling with a decision whether or not to intervene in Libya.

Here is a consideration that should top the president's thinking process: What message will it send if Moammar Gadhafi survives?

An anti-American, anti-Western supporter of international terrorism can hold power by killing large numbers of his own people. Meanwhile, nondemocratic rulers aligned with the West are nudged from power by their former friends.

If you were the king of Saudi Arabia, what conclusion would you draw? Would you not assess: It's a lot safer to be an American enemy than an American friend? After all, an American enemy can use maximum violence with impunity.

Here's the question you should be asking, numbnuts.  With a disastrous nearly decade-long war in Afghanistan still with no real end in sight and war in Iraq still continuing for almost as long, what makes any human being think we can just "intervene" in Libya without completely wrecking what stability is left in the Middle East and North Africa? 

There should be no "wrestling" with the question.  Republicans have made it clear we can't afford to do much of anything to save domestic spending programs because the deficit hangs over us like the Sword of Damocles, ready to disintegrate our economy.

Now we're seriously entertaining a third war?  Gosh, where are we going to get the money for that, not to mention the troops.  We're a tad busy right now, are we not?


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