Thursday, March 17, 2011

Playing The Paranoia Angle, Part 13

She's baaaaaack!

"I am running for the United States Congress," she said in a video uploaded to YouTube, asking viewers for support. "The 2010 election was bittersweet. Conservatives had some victories, but we still face obstacles from Democrats in Congress and the White House."

Angle will seek the seat currently held by Rep. Dean Heller (R) of Nevada's 2nd district, a heavily conservative seat that Republicans have held for decades. Angle lost to Heller in the 2006 election by a mere 421 votes. Heller is reportedly eying the open seat of retiring Sen. John Ensign (R).

Angle's solid tea party support in Nevada and fundraising capabilities make her a serious candidate for the seat, though she is likely to be challenged by heavyweights such as state GOP Chairman and Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki (R), according to the National Journal.

"I'm most concerned about the enormous debt that we're passing along to our children and our grandchildren," Angle said," calling for a "government based on the constitution, fiscal responsibility and personal accountability and resourcefulness."

The resourcefulness part is her making stuff up about what she thinks the Constitution actually means.  Then again, given the Republicans that made it into Congress in 2010, Angle's not such a standout in the insanity department anymore.

Which, frankly, is the problem.

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