Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Is The Big Deal, Anyway?

I was standing in line behind a couple of women my age, and they were having a great time scanning the covers of tabloids and sharing gossip.  Their eye settled on an update for Prince William and Kate Middleton, and they were instantly hostile towards them.  "So what if they're going to rule England?  What does that matter to us?"

It's a fair question, I suppose.  We are in the middle of our own crisis, other countries are suffering from poverty and war, what does it matter that Kate and William are blossoming into a new royal couple?  Contrary to our inability to decide why, the fact is that many people are taking an interest in the couple.  Some from my generation think of Diana, and wish the best for her son and that he get to enjoy the fun parts of the royal life that were denied her.  Some find a pleasant distraction amid global catastrophes.  After all, who doesn't enjoy seeing a young couple in love?  And no matter what comes of it, there is no denying that right now the prince and his betrothed are truly in love.

The future king of England has chosen his bride, and she is a commoner who by all counts is a strong but good woman.  Maybe this is the breath of fresh air that the palace needs, to bridge the gap between the royal family and the people outside the walls.

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