Monday, April 18, 2011

Mean Old Scary Black President Guy Is Back

Via Alan Colmes this morning, we learn whenever President Obama holds the line to defend Democratic party and American values, we always get back to the GOP default position that he is mean, belligerent, disrespectful, intemperate and most of all angry black guy

Odds are we will see more of this meaner side of the Obama persona in the months ahead because, as columnist and former GOP presidential aide Pete Wehner notes, "now that he finds himself intellectually outmatched by Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, and in a precarious situation when it comes to his re-election, Obama is dropping his past civility sermons down the memory hole. Decency and respect for others has suddenly become passe. Talking about our disagreements without being disagreeable has been overtaken by events. Not impugning the character of the opposition is fine as long as it's convenient, but it's to be ignored whenever necessary." In other words, we're now seeing the real Obama in what promises to be an ugly campaign.

If there were any more projection from the right here, you could read that Moonie Times editorial clearly on the side of the moon at night.  Please observe how the editorial hits all the low notes:  Obama is rage-filled, disrespectful towards "real America" and "intellectually outmatched" by the GOP (instead of their usual attacks on Obama claiming he's too detached, too politically correct and too much of an egghead, while the Tea Party is celebrated as passionate, authentic, and common sense, see how all this works?)

The barely unspoken message here is that Obama is a stupid, angry black guy, along with all the connotative baggage that goes along with that image over the decades.  This attack doesn't get pulled out by the right unless they are extraordinarily desperate to try to make everything about Obama, rather than about whatever con the Republicans are trying to pull on the American people, so blowing that dog whistle of "Paul Ryan is clearly smarter, but what did you expect" is the way forward.

And as I noted above, the Republicans have spent the last several years reveling in ignorance, saying that doubting things the elitist science guys tell you about climate or evolution or anything for that matter is really the intellectual superiority of the "open mind".  Now they are projecting that same state onto Obama after years of saying he's basically Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager by now saying Obama clearly hasn't done his homework, got "outsmarted" by the GOP, and is now resorting to being angry and mean.

The whiplash alone on that 180 should have flipped the GOP clown car, but apparently it rolled over enough times to land on those little wheels.  Whenever the Republicans go after Obama personally like this, you know they've admitted that they've lost the argument on the merits of fact and are now scrambling to drag things as deep into the mud as possible.

All while Obama remains as cool as a spring breeze over an iceberg.  He drives them nuts, you know.

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