Friday, April 15, 2011

This Week In GOP Pants On Fire

I've been ignoring former Godfather's Pizza CEO and Republican presidential quasi-candidate Herman Cain up until this point, as his normal lunatic "Democrats are the ones putting African-Americans on the plantation" self-hating stupidity just wasn't worth addressing.

He seems to have crossed a big, thick red line on Planned Parenthood...

...and that brings us to Politifact and this week's GOP Pants On Fire Lie.

This presidential election season, Georgia’s homegrown prospect Herman Cain is talking about race.

Cain, a black, conservative Republican, recently said the media is "scared that a real black man may run against Barack Obama."

And there’s this one about pro-abortion rights group Planned Parenthood:

"When Margaret Sanger - check my history - started Planned Parenthood, the objective was to put these centers in primarily black communities so they could help kill black babies before they came into the world," Cain said during a talk in Washington, D.C., at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative group.

"It's planned genocide," Cain added. He wants the U.S. Congress to yank funding for Planned Parenthood, which receives about $75 million a year to provide non-abortion health services.

Was Planned Parenthood founded to help kill unborn black babies?

Cain asked his audience to check his history. So, we did.

Republicans have been using the "Liberals are trying to secretly kill you guys, vote for us!" ploy for years.  Sadly, Herman Cain's only point of being on Earth is to roll with this series of cynical, nasty, downright evil lies that assume that black folk like me would choose to vote Republican if we were just little bit smarter and could see the truth of his words, like how Planned Parenthood exists solely to exterminate us.

Is it any wonder Cain is lying through his teeth?

Sanger’s first birth control clinic opened in 1916 in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., which was mostly Irish and Jewish.

When she did open a Harlem clinic in the early 1930s, about half of its patients were white. Members of the black establishment, including DuBois and black newspaper the Amsterdam News, supported it. This was hardly the pro-genocide camp.

None of these centers performed abortions.

Black leaders at the time understood that contraception and women's health care were vital in order for any community to be successful, something the white community knew for a very, very long time.

Planned Parenthood’s early objective was not to "help kill black babies before they came into the world."

Sanger failed to rise above the ethnic and racial paternalism of her time, but that’s a far cry from being genocidal.

Cain’s claim is a ridiculous, cynical play of the race card. We rate it Pants on Fire.

Shocker, huh.  But Cain will continue to be taken seriously by Republicans.

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