Friday, April 1, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Here's GOP math for you.

Think back to the tax deal. The GOP’s demands were: 1) the extension of the Bush tax cuts for high-earners; and 2) a massive cut in the estate tax. Put together, the two items will increase the deficit by close to a trillion dollars over 10 years. If the GOP had wanted, they could’ve used that money for more tax cuts for the poor, or even the middle class. The Obama administration would’ve happily signed onto that compromise. But Republicans did not want that. If we were going to increase the deficit, we were going to do it on behalf of the wealthy. 

That's one half.  $1 trillion in tax cuts for the richest Americans over 10 years.  How do we pay for it?  By hurting the poorest.

House Republicans are planning to cut roughly $1 trillion over 10 years from Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor and disabled, as part of their fiscal 2012 budget, which they will unveil early next month, according to several GOP sources.

$1 trillion taken out of Medicare spending and given directly to the richest Americans over the next ten years.  But remember, Obama's the "redistributionist".

Maybe that explains why the wealthier you are, the more likely you are to vote Repulbican.

Shocking, I know.  What's really shocking is that 40% of people that make less than $30k a year are voting to take money away from social programs that are meant to help themselves and would rather elect people who will take their social programs and give that money to people who make ten times as much as they do.

Self-loathing is a funny thing.

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