Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Game Over, Sony

Apparently not content with a major security breach, Sony is now (badly) trying to put some spin on the issue.  This article explains that in one breath, Sony says 77 million accounts may have been compromised.  Then, in their best "don't be silly" tone, they assure us that they will let us know if there appears to be any danger.  Thanks, guys.

I believe in forgiving an honest mistake, but this has crossed the line into official stupidity.  Sony has remained offline since, which means they know their network is not secure.  They do not seem to know how many accounts were affected, which means that they don't fully understand the breach.  Or worse yet, they know and are not saying.

People want answers, and while they  may need some breathing room to figure out what happened, Sony's response to this issue has been less than cooperative.  In fact, it really seems they are only releasing what they must and running around in a panic patching issues before the press discovers the full extent of the damage.  It's time to have a frank talk with their customers and regain some respect.

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