Friday, May 27, 2011

Man(n)s At Work

Former Reagan and Bush 41 staffer Ed Rogers (now a lobbyist, natch) figures since the ticket of Serious Older Guy With Gravitas and Crazy Nutjub Woman worked so well for the Republicans in 2008, that 2012 should be all about that only better.

Huntsman and Bachmann should have a meeting of the minds and offer themselves as a Huntsman-led ticket before the Iowa caucuses next year.

Think about it. Unless there is a new dynamic to the 2012 campaign, Huntsman probably can’t win the nomination and Bachmann probably shouldn’t.

But beating Obama will require a fresh approach. He will not be weakened by a primary challenge, and as yet there does not appear to be a left-wing third-party candidate who could erode his support in the general election.

Republicans need to do something radical. If we go through the drudgery of the primaries with a weak field, produce a weak nominee, and face an impoverished spring and early summer of 2012, followed by a tiresome, cliched August convention, we will give Obama a huge advantage.

You know what's going to give Obama a huge advantage?  The GOP 2012 primary season assures that nobody to the left of Bachmann is going to be the nominee, and will most likely lose by 10 points.

I understand Rogers is putting forth a compromise ticket now in order to try to spare the GOP the Clown Car Nationals for the next 12 months, but if your best idea is "everyone's going to hate this ticket!" then Obama has nothing to worry about.

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