Thursday, May 19, 2011

StupidiNews! Bad Day To Be Famous Edition

Zsa Zsa Gabor has fallen into a coma after emergency surgery to repair a stomach infection.  The 94-year-old icon has been in poor health for some time, but I so hate to see this.  I adore her for the strength and sass she radiated throughout her career.

Jeff Conaway is also in a coma.  The star, famous for playing the role of Kenickie in Grease, has fought drug addiction for years.  An overdose is suspected but nothing has been confirmed yet.  After multiple injuries, the star became addicted to pain pills and alcohol early in life.

Stephen Hawking has ticked off a few folks by saying there is no heaven.  One of the loudest to speak up has been Kirk Cameron.  In other news, Kirk Cameron and Stephen Hawking are having a debate.  I'm not sure who is more aggravating when it comes to the subject.

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