Thursday, June 16, 2011

Breaking: A. Weiner Is Gone

Called it.

Representative Anthony D. Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat after coming under growing pressure from his Democratic colleagues to leave the House, said a person told of Mr. Weiner’s plans.

His decision follows of revelations of his lewd online exchanges with women, said a person told of Mr. Weiner’s plans.

The news comes as Democratic leaders prepared to hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss whether to strip the 46-year-old Congressman of his committee assignments, a blow which would severely damage his effectiveness.

Mr. Weiner, a Democrat, came to the conclusion that he could no longer serve after having long discussions with his wife,  Huma Abedin, when she returned home on Tuesday after traveling abroad with her boss, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

And so he goes.  Yet another voice for liberals silenced, because being a liberal isn't tolerated in Washington.  Double standard?  Definitely.

So when's Sen. David Vitter resigning?

[UPDATE]  Josh Marshall argues it was the sheer velocity at which the Dems dropped Weiner over this silly crap that is the lasting story here.

[UPDATE 2]  Greg Sargent puts forth that the real story is how Twitter has truly arrived in Washington with its first major political casualty and the "hyperkinetic pack journalism" it encourages.

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