Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Economy Of Words

Meanwhile, the latest WaPo/ABC poll shows the shine has worn off for the President zapping Bin Laden,the economy is still an anvil around Obama's neck, and that the GOP still is having serious problems competing.

Fifty-nine percent, a new high, gave Obama negative marks for his handling of the economy, up from 55 percent a month earlier.

Obama's approval rating on the deficit issue hit a new low of 33 percent, down 6 points since April.
The state of the economy poses a huge challenge for the president, whose re-election in 2012 may depend on his ability to convince voters that his economic policies have been successful.

The survey reflects a broadly pessimistic public mood as high gasoline prices, sliding home values and high unemployment numbers raised concerns about the pace of the U.S. economic recovery, The Washington Post said.

Eighty-nine percent of Americans say the economy is in bad shape; 57 percent say the recovery has not started and 66 percent said the United States was seriously on the wrong track.

Forty-five percent said they trust congressional Republicans over Obama to handle the economy, up 11 points since March.

The poll shows Obama leading five out of six potential Republican presidential rivals but in a dead heat with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Among all Americans, Obama and Romney are tied at 47 percent each. Among registered voters, Romney is ahead 49 percent to 46 percent.

Well, if only Romney is ahead of Obama at this point, and there's no way Romney survives the primaries, then things are going to be better for the President.   But with the 2012 elections some 17 months off, a lot can happen.  Republicans won't pass anything through the House that will improve the economy, and that's exactly what the GOP plan continues to be.  Do nothing to help the nation's unemployed and then blame Obama.

So far, it's working.

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