Sunday, June 12, 2011

Frothing At The Mouth

Just in case we're still hanging on to the "Obama, Republicans, what's the difference in 2012?" silliness, here's one real big one.

Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press this morning, former Senator and GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum offered two stunningly maximalist positions on abortion — abortion should be flatly banned even in cases of rape or incest, and doctors who perform abortions should face criminal charges.

Now let's keep in mind Ricky here is considered possible Presidential material of high enough caliber to be granted a Sunday show interview when he says things like this:

QUESTION: So even in the case of rape or incest, that would be taking a life?

SANTORUM: That would be taking a life, and I believe that any doctor that performs an abortion, I would advocate that any doctor that performs an abortion, should be criminally charged for doing so.

Just ignore the law of the last 40 years, that makes you a serious, unifying force in politics.  "Maybe if someone like Santorum ended up as President, progressives would finally rally."  Sure, and then they would be put down brutally by the Republican evangelical police state that not only sees them as expendable, but as the enemy.

I still say they entire point of the 2012 race is for Republicans to lose in such a way that Republicans and Democrats start wishing for the days of "a real moderate, respected, visionary world leader like George W. Bush" heading into 2016, and then under that Republican administration finish off the rest of the civil liberties and freedoms we take for granted by 2020 or so.

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