Saturday, June 18, 2011

Know When To Holder 'Em

Now that the right has claimed Anthony Weiner's head, the next target appears to be Attorney General Eric Holder.  Naturally, it's the far-right Washington Examiner calling for Holder's head over...well, nobody's really sure, but it involves Darrel Issa's boys and Mexicans.

The ATF put out marked guns into the system to see where and by what routes they were going to the Mexican drug cartels, the equivalent of dye packs in bank robbery money.  The problem is two of the guns in the operation were used to kill a US Border Patrol agent.  Naturally, the Washington Examiner is demanding Holder's immediate resignation.  The right wing noise machine is demanding a lot worse.

What bothers me is that if you mention gun control laws to the right, they screech about the Second Amendment and lie about Obama coming to take Americans' guns from them.  But when the ATF tries to deal with the fact that America has lax gun control laws and guns are pouring over the border into the hands of Mexican cartels, sold to them by US dealers, it's Eric Holder's fault and he's the one who has to be fired.

So no, this is a massive smoke cloud, but there's no fire.  What we need are much stricter controls on firearms, and to stop them from going to the cartels and to US criminals as well.  But try getting that past the Republicans and the gun lobbyists that own them lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.

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