Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last Call

First Indiana, then Kansas, now North Carolina Republicans have stripped all state and federal funding to Planned Parenthood as the NC GOP voted to override Dem Gov. Bev Perdue's budget veto.

The state Senate voted 31-19 to override the veto Wednesday afternoon, after the House passed a similar measure late Tuesday night in a vote of 73-46, according to the News and Observer.

The budget prevents any state or federal funds from going to Planned Parenthood facilities, which Planned Parenthood officials say amounts to about $400,000 in funds, and will go into effect on July 1st.

The provision was added to the budget by abortion opponents who don't want any federal funds going to entities that perform abortions. As Planned Parenthood officials are quick to point out, federal law already bars any federal funds from being used to provide abortions. The federal dollars that go to Planned Parenthood are used to provide other health care services to women.

But it doesn't matter to Republicans.  Only dirty, evil, unclean poor women need Planned Parenthood, so let them rot.

Ahh, but they're not the only victims of the NC Republican budget.

Republican legislators say they have paid for all teachers and teacher assistant positions, and that the state budget is not to blame for the layoff notices they are getting.

"These pink slips are not our doing," Sen. Jerry Tillman, an Archdale Republican, said.
But local districts, who have to figure out how to make an additional $124 million in discretionary cuts, are cutting programs and jobs in response the state budget.

Jill Elberson, a middle school technology and math teacher in Randolph County, said she lost her job when the district cut its middle school technology program. A district spokesman said the cut is a consequence of the state budget.

Elberson, who has taught for six years, said her school is left with an elective business course that does not include instruction on commonly used software. And she is looking for work.

"I don't know how I'm going to make it if I don't get a job," she said.

Even better, the budget guts Smart Start and other early childhood education programs, and drops NC's per student education spending to the bottom of the 50 states...all in the name of, you guessed it, tax cuts.  Oh, but it gets better.
Over protests that they would effectively disenfranchise thousands of voters, the state Senate Wednesday night passed a bill that would require voters to show a photo ID.

The bill passed along party lines 31-19. It now goes back to the House for agreement on minor changes.

Meanwhile a House committee passed a bill that includes sweeping changes in election law, including eliminating Sunday early voting and same-day registration.

Republicans are promising they will override Perdue's veto should she dare to try it. North Carolina becoming a battleground state?  Not if Republicans have their way.

And they do.

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