Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Dealing On The Debt Ceiling, Part 21

Republicans have now officially bailed on debt ceiling talks and say there will be no tax increases or tax subsidy cuts of any kind for anybody, and if they don't get their way the economy will now self-destruct.

Two top Republicans have bailed on bipartisan talks Thursday aimed at raising the nation's debt-ceiling in exchange for deficit-reduction measures.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) backed out of talks with Vice President Biden, furious at Democrats' demands that some tax increases be paired with spending cuts.

The Dems have argued that if Republicans want to close the gaping annual deficit with spending cuts, they have to concede some tax increases, too.

And it's not just some tax increases, but any and all tax increasesDems are arguing that this proves revenue increases will be necessary and that Cantor and Kyl don't want to be the ones making that kind of deal (forcing Orange Julius and Mitchy to eat that particular turdburger).  As a result, the Republicans are now demanding that President Obama go on record to say he wants to raise taxes so that the Republicans can crucify him.

This is how GOP negotiations work, apparently.  Demand 100% of what you want, then when you don't get it, demand 120% of what you want and then add that your opponent must commit political suicide.

Naturally, the Dems look to comply totally because if they don't, someone might call them liberals.  Then when the Republicans get what they want, they'll call the Dems liberals and the lesson the donks will learn is "if you capitulate sooner, the news cycle passes faster."

[UPDATE] Make that demand 300%, as Cantor now says the GOP controlled House will take up a balanced budget amendment in late July.  Can't wait to see what the 2012 budget negotiations look like.  Cantor should ask for cold fusion and the Cubs winning the Series.

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