Saturday, June 18, 2011

Orange Julius Threatens To Pull The Plug On Libya

It seems House Speaker John Boenher is now saying Republicans will look into eliminating funding for operations in Libya unless Obama plays ball.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) isn't buying the White House's "Libya War isn't really a war" explanation of why they're not in violation of the War Powers Act.

Next week, he says, the House may be prepared to take action to block the administration's intervention -- and one option he's looking at is cutting off funds.

"[T]he ultimate option is the House in fact -- the Congress has the power of the purse," Boehner told reporters at a Capitol press briefing. "And certainly that is an option as well."

Boehner was unsatisfied by the explanation the White House offered in a report to Congress Wednesday, explaining their compliance with the law.

Gosh, remember when Democrats defunded Bush's war in Iraq and Afghanistan?   Oh wait, that didn't happen, and those who tried were derided by Republicans as traitors and terrorist sympathizers who were surrendering to our enemies.  But put a Democrat in the White House, and suddenly the Republicans are all about defunding the warmongers.

Funny how that works.

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