Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This Week's WTH - A Collection

A Melbourne youth church leader who raped a 14-year-old girl, poured petrol on her and set her alight has been jailed for 21 years.

Michael Tuano Hermogenes, 25, plied the girl with alcohol before choking her with one of her stockings, raping her, taking photos of her while she was naked and unconscious, then setting her and her house alight to hide his crimes.

She suffered permanent injuries including burns to half her body, amputation of her right toes and spent almost a year in hospital.
This is when a good old mob scene (I just see the Simpsons over and over) is worth it.  I cannot verify much, there is video goodness to enjoy if you want the full story.  Believe it or not, it gets weirder.

Tracy Morgan just doesn't know when to shut up.  He went on a verbal rant on gays earlier this month, and in what I thought (at the time) was a real act of coolness, went back to apologize.  Now he has made fun of mentally challenged kids and the handicapped to a degree that he has angered people yet again.  I'm not saying humor should be sanitized, but I'm saying if you don't want mean snarks and insults, this may not be your show.  Morgan has always pushed the envelope, but he has crossed a line that his main audience doesn't appreciate, and there will be an adjustment.  

A 21-year-old Madison man went a little overboard Monday morning while using a razor-sharp Japanese sword for a video project, puncturing holes in his apartment wall all the way through his neighbor's bedroom wall.
What's great for me is that I know so many guys like this nerd that I checked in with a couple of folks that fit the general description.  Now back to your busy day, and keep your swords to yourselves... 

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