Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It Pays To Be Insane

Iowa has lost its mind, via John Cole.

Rep. Michele Bachmann has been gunning for the support of Iowa voters, the first in the nation to vote for their party’s presidential nominees, and it looks like her efforts may be paying off. 
The conservative congresswoman finished first among the GOP presidential candidates in a poll released today by The Iowa Republican, a blog which bill itself as News for Republicans, by Republicans. Bachmann received support from 25 percent of likely Iowa caucus-goers. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney received 21 percent, putting Bachmann’s lead within the poll’s 4.4 percent margin of error.

In other words, Michele Bachmann has gone crazy, had her husband call gays "barbarians" and then it broke that he was trying to "cure the gay", then she signs a pledge that includes the delightful fallacy that is "black people were better off under slavery because more had two parents than now."

For this, she is rewarded with the lead in the Iowa caucus polls.  I have to tell you, the other 75% of the Republicans in Iowa?  Your party has gone insane.  If we have really gotten to the point where Michele Bachmann is a viable candidate for anything other than "Craziest Person in America" then we deserve the country's destruction, because there is no saving us from ourselves at that point.

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