Wednesday, August 24, 2011


President Obama is drawing fire for playing golf at the time the earthquake hit.  Really?  None of those critics have said what they expect him to have done, considering that there were no immediate reports of major injuries.  I suppose those who claim he was uninterested missed the part where he asked to be kept up to date on incoming reports.

My favorite quote so far:

Seriously, Obama should should abandon his golf game, huddle with FEMA and at least pretend to be doing something.

Why pretend?  Obama's greatest strength in my opinion is that he doesn't dance through ridiculous hoops.  He does his job, he does it well, and he wastes no time patting himself on the back or crowing like a certain Moose we all know.  He is above that.  He is cool because doesn't have to jump up and down and tell us how cool he is.  Unlike some, I sort of like the fact that he isn't a media whore.

This was a dramatic event that could have been disastrous and killed thousands.  It didn't.  He can take action once all the facts are in, and is letting the responders do their job.  In other words, he is letting his crew do their thing and is ready to help when needed, and insists on being informed as that information becomes available.

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