Wednesday, August 17, 2011

He Really Said "Pizza Was A Good Idea"

In non-"Rick Perry is a douchebag" related news items, Herman Cain is a douchebag.

Asked on a conference call with bloggers this evening why Republicans can't just impeach Barack Obama, Herman Cain answers that it's mostly a matter of legislative politics, POLITICO's Elizabeth Titus reports:
"That’s a great question and it is a great — it would be a great thing to do but because the Senate is controlled by Democrats we would never be able to get the Senate first to take up that action, because they simply don’t care what the American public thinks. They would protect him and they wouldn’t even bring it up," Cain said, citing the administration's position on the Defense of Marriage Act as an impeachable offense.

I mean honestly, we all know that if the GOP retains control of the House in 2012, they will try to impeach President Obama.  If you're running for President on the notion that we should impeach the current President, then really, nobody can help you with the existential levels of fail.

Analyzing Cain's strategy at another level, he appears to be trying to convince people that even if the GOP nominees (including the subset of one Herman Cain) are too insane to actually be elected President because they keep pushing the extreme notion that President Obama should be impeached over DOMA, you should vote for Republicans anyway at the congressional level because they'll impeach Obama.

I know, it makes my head hurt too.

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