Thursday, August 11, 2011

Makers Vs. Takers

The new Republican class warfare game is straight out of the Ayn Rand playbook.  RNC chair Reince Priebus lays out the new (old) strategy:

"Well, Contessa, I mean, I view it as a 100 percent, absolute victory for not only the people in Wisconsin, but for all Americans that want to make sure that their government is listening, and that they can start living within its means," said Priebus. "And so after $30 million of big-government union money coming in, and a manufactured outrage that they've tried to put together in Wisconsin, we remain red. We won the Prosser [state Supreme Court] race in Wisconsin, we won again yesterday, we may win one or two next week.

"I think for the country, it's the start of having a debate, and winning the debate, that we need to have a country of makers, and not a country of takers. And I think that's important in saving not only Wisconsin, but a lot of other states that are watching. And I think it's a good signal, and a good sign, and a good tell, for the rest of America as to where the electorate is moving, and they're moving to winning a battle of individual freedom for America."

If you believe you might qualify as a maker, you're not. The top Republican in the land right now, the head of the Republican Party, just swore fealty to the top 2% of America's wealthy at the expense of the other 300 million of us or so.  And if Priebus's "makers vs takers" crap sounds familiar, that's because it's classic Randian social engineering.

The plan here is simply to convince millions of us on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, mortgage deduction users, child tax credit filers, people who work at a business with a government contract of any kind or anyone else who actually benefits from taxpayer dollars are in fact the "makers" and to vote against the "takers", which is the equivalent of a congress of various small tasty rodents electing themselves the largest meanest rat terrier they can find in order to protect themselves from the feline menace.

And they Republicans are absolutely counting on it so they can finish looting and mooching off the country and I guess move on to greener banana republic pastures.

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