Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Suddenly Ben Effin' Nelson Doesn't Seem So Horrible

I may scream a lot about Nebraska Blue Dog Dem Sen. Ben Nelson, but the man favored to be Nelson's GOP opponent in 2012 is a truly repugnant individual.

In a video captured by the liberal group, American Bridge 21st Century, Bruning makes the comparison as part of an elaborate metaphor originally focused on environmental regulations. He describes a requirement that workers at a construction project gather up endangered beetles by luring them into a bucket with a dead rat in order to release them elsewhere. But the plan is thwarted when hungry raccoons then eat them straight out of the rat-infested bucket. Which, according to Bruning, is a perfect image to illustrate how welfare recipients receive their benefits.

"The raccoons figured out the beetles are in the bucket," Bruning said. "And its like grapes in a jar. The raccoons - they're not stupid, they're gonna do the easy way if we make it easy for them. Just like welfare recipients all across America. If we don't send them to work, they're gonna take the easy route."

See, welfare recipients are "scavenging racoons".  Forget the dog whistle politics, we're deep into "overt loud racism delivered with a giant billboard campaign" this year, and your wussy liberal sensibilities be damned, the white guy in Nebraska has an election to win.

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