Monday, September 19, 2011

Going To Take A Bit

Senate Democrats are at least going to tackle the President's jobs bill.  Next month, anyway.

The Senate likely will not take up President Obama’s plan to create jobs until next month following a planned recess period, the No. 2 Democrat in the chamber said Sunday.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said the Senate would focus on a number of “related issues” to the $400 billion job-creation legislation this week. But he quickly noted on CNN that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has placed the massive jobs bill “on the calendar.”

The Senate is slated to be in recess Sept. 26-30, returning for legislative business on Oct. 3.

The most august body will deliberate this legislation after their break next week.  Sheesh.  Not that there's any real rush, we know the House will simply ignore the bill (or in case they are actually in session over the next couple weeks, just vote it down.)

Like I keep saying, millions of jobs destroyed in order to make one man lose his.

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