Monday, September 19, 2011

This Is Already Getting Old

Chicago Tribune politico Steve Chapman brings us This Month In Obama Should Hang It Up.

But there is good news for the president. I checked the Constitution, and he is under no compulsion to run for re-election. He can scrap the campaign, bag the fundraising calls and never watch another Republican debate as long as he's willing to vacate the premises by Jan. 20, 2013.

That might be the sensible thing to do. It's hard for a president to win a second term when unemployment is painfully high. If the economy were in full rebound mode, Obama might win anyway. But it isn't, and it may fall into a second recession — in which case voters will decide his middle name is Hoover, not Hussein. Why not leave of his own volition instead of waiting to get the ax?

Five words:  President Perry's Supreme Court picks.  OK, and who should run in his place?  Oh gosh, let me guess.

The ideal candidate would be a figure of stature and ability who can't be blamed for the economy. That person should not be a member of Congress, since it has an even lower approval rating than the president's.

It would also help to be conspicuously associated with prosperity. Given Obama's reputation for being too quick to compromise, a reputation for toughness would be an asset.

As it happens, there is someone at hand who fits this description: Hillary Clinton. Her husband presided over a boom, she's been busy deposing dictators instead of destroying jobs, and she's never been accused of being a pushover.

Not only that, Clinton is a savvy political veteran who already knows how to run for president. Oh, and a new Bloomberg poll finds her to be merely "the most popular national political figure in America today."

That's awesome.  Even though Hillary has said again and again that there's no way she's running, and it's gotten to the point where Big Dog is publicly saying that Hillary's not going to run, and that conservatives like o'l Nameless One are trying to push Hillary to weaken President Obama.  Gosh, you think?

You'll excuse me if I don't believe for a milisecond here that Mr. Chapman here is truly worried about the President's best interests.  In fact, Conservatives are praying that Hillary runs.  I wonder why that would be?  Steve M. reveals the truth about Chapman, who had a much different view of Hillary this time four years ago during the Dem primary.

Everyone knows Hillary Rodham Clinton, and everyone has a different reaction to her. Some find her as irritating as fingernails on a chalkboard. Some find that she makes their skin crawl. Some run screaming from the room. And some want to drink a gallon of rat poison while lying across a railroad track.

Right. President Obama's best interests at heart here, not to mention they love Hillary. And if you believe that, you may be a Useful Idiot.

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