Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nuked Gingrich, Part 9

Newtie is still in this thing?

Gingrich, the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and now a candidate for Republican nomination for president, listens politely as he sips his coffee before finally rubbing his hands together and interrupting the discussion:

“Let me ask you all on a practical level for a minute: What are your thoughts on how we win the (S.C.) primary?”
You don't, Newt.  You're done. Your campaign is a fantastic joke at best, and at worst a cruel and unusual punishment on the country.

Gingrich also has been abandoned by his presidential campaign staff in South Carolina — including former S.C. GOP chairman Katon Dawson and political consultant Walter Whetsell — who quit and joined Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign.

“He was reasonably popular back (in the ’90s). He was the ying to Clinton’s yang,” Neal Thigpen, a political science professor at Florence’s Francis Marion University, said of Gingrich. “He’s just run into trouble on every front . ... I don’t see him doing all that well here.”

Last month, only 5.6 percent of likely S.C. Republican primary voters said they would vote for Gingrich, according to a poll by Winthrop University. Even fewer — 1.6 percent — said they thought Gingrich would win the nomination.

But Wednesday, Gingrich said he can win the S.C. primary. He said he plans to hire staff and open an S.C. office later this month. And he said he has local connections to most S.C. voters.

His father spent 27 years in the military, which Gingrich says can win over “all the retired military and retired veterans along the coast.”

Is there anyone in the GOP more delusional right now than this guy?  Newt's "My dad was in the military" is going to win him South Carolina?  If there's anyone who personifies the Republican Party and conservatives in general wanting to force America back into the "glory days"of the past, it's Newt Gingrich.

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