Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fire Walker Chronicles

The effort to oust Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker is officially underway.
Taking the next step in a battle that's been in the works since February, organizers planned a midnight kickoff to efforts to gather more than a half million recall petitions against GOP Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.
"There are some midnight collection events around the state. People are ready to go and want to start as soon as possible. There's a lot of excitement about it," said Meagan Mahaffey, executive director of United Wisconsin.
United Wisconsin, which is helping lead the recall efforts against Walker, planned a midnight electronic filing and a paper filing later Tuesday morning with state elections officials, Mahaffey said. Separate recall efforts against GOP senators also will be launched Tuesday. Meanwhile, Walker hit back with an ad campaign starting with Monday night's Green Bay Packers game.
The recall attempt against Walker formally begins a fight that has been looming since the governor introduced a bill in February to repeal most collective bargaining for most public employees. If successful, it would be only the third recall election for a governor to be held in the nation's history.
The group is hoping to get 600k signatures for Walker's recall, and they need them by January 14th, 60 days away.  If you've got friends up in Cheeseland, now's the time to point them towards the recall effort.  It's going to be a long haul, but as Ohio's Issue 2 proved a week ago, it can be done.

Time to send this Koch-head packing.

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