Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Newest Fear Regarding Gay Marriage... Marrying The Eiffel Tower?

One of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to scaring people into not supporting gay marriage is using the "slippery slope" method.

You tell people that if gay marriage is made legal, it's only a matter of time before the state or country will be full of polygamists or men marrying turtles, as Bill O'Reilly has suggested, or, as Michele Bachmann's new Iowa campaign Co-Chair, Tamara Scott, is warning, women marrying the Eiffel Tower.

In a new video, brought to our attention by, Scott, who also serves as the director of Iowa's Concern Women for America chapter, speaks with Bob Vander Plaats, the head of The Family Leader.

Because that's a real concern. A slippery slope I'd like to see is what we would have if the GOP stopped telling people how they should conduct their private lives. Let that slip into people making decisions, and slip into people being responsible for their decisions, and the next thing you know we would have independent adults who can (gasp) make their own choices.

I would be ashamed to have my name attached to this as anything but the person who mocked it publicly.


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