Friday, December 23, 2011

A Fabulous Victory Against Stupidity

Someone I follow on Facebook linked to this, and I am ever so grateful that I checked it out.  I read a lot of news, but this one skated past me.  This is a speech given by a 19-year-old man who was raised by two women.  If you have a minute, please watch it because he makes so many good points the only way I could touch on them all would be a complete transcript.

I wonder how Michele Bachmann would respond to this? Do you think she would tell this man his family is broken and needs healing?

I wonder what Perry would say. His ego can't process that though he doesn't "believe in gay marriage" it exists, and legal citizens are denied representation.

Would Eye of Newt tell him to follow Obama because there is no place for him in his America?  Oh wait, he already did that.

This is a brilliant speaker who actually moved me to tears. He is simple, honest, and not afraid of himself or where he came from. He is everything the GOP hates, a successful "other" who may threaten their assigned levels of worth.  This young man uses logic and a lifetime of accomplishment to shoot a hole in their theory.

I guess now they'll have to go back to The Gay Is Catching or another tried and true distraction.

Cross posted at Angry Black Lady's site.

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