Friday, February 17, 2012

Eating Stupidity

So, those who don't know me well may not know this, but I don't share chocolate.  Nope, not a bit.  So I was horrified when I read that Mars is getting rid of the king-sized candy bar.  Then I relaxed when I learned they are just sizing the portions so the large candy bars can be shared (yeah, right) or easily broken into smaller pieces to eat later.  At least the latter might happen in my world.

Portion control is a major problem, so it makes sense that this would be a good idea.  However, the comments online have ranged from amused to terrified (as though Mars was going to cease production altogether).  It's not that big of a deal, and might actually lead to us getting more mileage for the same calories.

Speaking of that, there is a new rash of discussion about an eating trend called mindful eating.  It is exactly what you would expect, taking small bites, not talking or multitasking, and relishing the food.  Not only does the eater usually find themselves satisfied more by eating less, but the unplugging effect can give us some much-needed relaxation as well as truly enjoying what we eat.  It prompts us to wonder why we are eating, which isn't just meal control but a way of talking to our body.  The New York Times describes it in greater detail, and includes a list of the points to consider while chewing.

The Four Mindful Points: Check in with each dimension of mindfulness. When you eat, ask yourself these questions:
  • a. Mind: Am I tasting each bite or am I zoned out when I eat? (You can download the awareness checklisthere.)

  • Body: How does my body feel before and after I eat? Low energy? Stomach rumbling? Full? Empty?

  • c. Feeling: What do I feel about this food? Guilty? Pleasure? Joy? Disappointment? Regret?

  • d. Thoughts: What thoughts does this food bring to mind? Memories? Beliefs? Myths? Fears?

  • Food for thought, anyway.  C'mon, you knew I had to say it.

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