Monday, February 13, 2012

Greek Fire, Part 52

And this time, Greek Fire is literal.

Lawmakers in Greece voted early Monday to approve another round of austerity measures, sought in return for a new eurozone bailout of the debt-stricken country.

As lawmakers debated, police turned tear gas and stun grenades on protesters outside Greece's Parliament. Several buildings, including a bank, cafes and a movie theater, in Athens were set ablaze.

Twenty-five protesters and 40 officers were injured in the clashes, which occurred throughout the city, police said. Authorities detained at least 30 people.

The package, which includes deep cuts in government spending, wages and pensions, will help pave the way for eurozone finance ministers to sign off on the new €130 billion ($172.6 billion) bailout deal. It passed Parliament in a 199-74 vote.

Greece needs the funds in order to meet €14.5 billion in debt repayments due next month.

The riots in Athens are ugly.  Not as bad as the ones that gripped Britain last year, but then again if they tried in Britain what they are doing in Greece right now, you'd better believe people would be in the streets.

Sadly, when they try that austerity crap here, it's called Very Serious Centrist Economic Policy.

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