Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last Call

Shorter Netanyahu to President Obama:  "Yeah, you know that speech you made on Sunday?  Yeah, cram it where the sun don't shine."

A day after being urged by the US president to allow more time for sanctions against Tehran to bite before resorting to military action, Mr Netanyahu said Israel would remain "master of its fate".
"Israel must have the ability always to defend itself by itself against any threat," Mr Netanyahu said. "When it comes to Israel's security, Israel has the right, the sovereign right, to make its own decisions".
The two leaders met on Monday for critical talks at the White House aimed at agreeing a common stance towards Tehran's nuclear enrichment programme and alleged plan to develop a nuclear weapon.
While Mr Obama has said he will "not hesitate to use force" if required to stop Iran developing the Bomb, the White House is anxious to avoid a confrontation, particularly during his re-election campaign.
Israeli officials have indicated they may strike this year unless the US threatens action to prevent Tehran having the capability to develop a weapon, rather than waiting for signs that development has begun. 

This does not fill me with hope that the Israelis are going to wait until after the election.  Not at all.  hell, they may not wait until next month the way Bibi is going here.  The only question is now what the President's response will be.  His speech on Sunday sounded very much like he wasn't going to back action against Iran unless it was "necessary".  The problem is politically, if Israel does attack, it becomes "necessary" immediately.  Congress will see to that.

This may actually be out of the President's hands.  I pray that's not the case.  But Bibi's response here was clearly to Congress, not the President.

Also note that Israel and Iran aren't too far apart on rhetoric:  Iran says its nuclear program is a sovereign issue as well.  That's not a good sign.

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