Saturday, March 24, 2012

Presented For The Assembled

Glenn Greenwald this morning after being on Real Time With Bill Maher last night:

I was on Real Time with Bill Maher last night and the most contentious debate occurred over the claimed power of the Obama administration to target assassinations of American citizens, such as Anwar Awlaki, without due process. Below is the clip of that discussion. One irony is that is was preceded by a discussion of hate crimes prosecutions (in the context of the Trayvon Martin and Tyler Clementi cases) in which both Maher and Andrew Sullivan insisted that Americans have the inviolable right to express even the most hateful and repellent opinions without being punished for it by the state, yet were both supportive of the Awlaki killing.

Yes.  Greenwald went there.  Obama is no better than Zimmerman.

We're done here.

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