Monday, March 19, 2012

Santorum Is A Tool

At least he is consistent.  Rick Santorum hates women every time he gets a chance.

Here is a link to a nice recap of the Santorum Stupidity, and remind us that his hypocrisy knows no bounds.  For example, he doesn't believe women should serve in combat because of "emotions"... a statement that he had to clarify later.  He said a female soldier might cause an emotional response if in danger.  When reasonable people pointed out that soldiers took care of their brothers on the battlefield and had a huge emotional attachment to their male friends, Santorum had no real comeback.  Any time he is pressed to explain the logic of the stupidity he spews, he crumbles like a  cookie.  If I had to describe him, it would be as a long, stuttering brain fart that has left a skidmark on already-stained GOP credibility.

Santorum was also forced to defend a passage in his book, It Takes A Family, that argued that radical feminists had essentially brainwashed women into thinking work was the only arena where they could find happiness. He said that passage was written by his wife, although she was not given an author's credit.

Radical feminists?  I guess I have never been invited to the real discussions, because the ones I have attended talked about letting women make their own life decisions.  There was never any mention of brainwashing or trying to talk housewives into joining the ranks of the working.  Besides, those silly women can't think for themselves, that's why they are so susceptible to brainwashing, am I right?  Doesn't that pretty much capture the scorn for a woman's mind that I see above?  And when it bit him on the ass, he took the safe bet and attributed it to his wife, though she wasn't given credit for the quote originally.  Isn't that convenient.

He's a coward, an asshole, and a primitive mind trying to grab all the attention possible.

Campaign spokesman J. Hogan Gidley says that "nobody has a better record on supporting women's issues than Rick Santorum."  Bwahahahahahaha.  What the HELL does Gidley consider women's issues?  Medical decisions, respect under law, recognition as individuals who can conduct their own private life?  I must be confused then, because it seems to me that Santorum has done everything except demand women be burned at the stake.  And his bullshit goes all the way back to 1994.

"What we say is that in order for Mom to be able to go on welfare if she has a child out of wedlock, you have to tell us who the father is," Santorum said at an event in Carlisle, Pa., on April 1, 1994. "If you don't tell us who the father is, you're not eligible for any welfare benefits, none, not even medical care. You tell us who the father is or you don't receive benefits."

Santorum argued that his proposal could persuade single women to slow their sex lives, which, in turn, would lead to less out-of-wedlock parenting. "If Mom knows that she isn't gonna receive welfare if she doesn't tell us who Dad is, y'know maybe she'll be a little more careful, maybe," he said.

"Or maybe she gives us a list, say 'Well it could be one of five,'" Santorum went on. "I mean, y'know, I don't know what she's gonna do, but at some point we're gonna see her cooperate."
Or, you know, stop making birth control more difficult to obtain.  Santorum is more obsessed about controlling sex lives and porn watching that he could never run a nation.  He'd be more concerned trying to be the political equivalent of Buddy Christ.  A certain portion of the GOP has taken it upon themselves to be the decency police for the nation.  A large portion of those folks are freaking nuts.  Santorum is their king.  He wants women to slow their sex lives, but gives no reasoning besides it feels morally right to him.  That's because there is no other reason.  He says one way or another, those sluts are going to fess up to who they've been sleeping with.  In his world, it would be a woman's burden to what... copy IDs and keep a journal in case mother nature throws her a surprise?

I don't see the practical gain for putting half the country in a position that cannot be won.  It's political suicide, and makes him look nucking futs.  So I have to wonder what he gets in return for selling out women, the poor, the workers who can't have a sick day because they may lose their utilities.  How does he expect a woman to support herself and a child if she can't get equal pay or afford birth control?  Santorum regularly voted against raising minimum wage and has shown the requisite Republican disregard for minorities.

I guess the GOP's math skills are in question, because women aren't a minority.  Maybe Santorum and his like will be what brings the pendulum swinging back towards reality.

Which means I was right all along: Rick Santorum is just a tool.

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