Friday, March 2, 2012

Victory, Damn Close To Epic Fail

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has defeated a Republican effort to roll back President Barack Obama's policy on contraception insurance coverage.

The measure sponsored by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, was defeated 51-48. The measure, an amendment to a pending transportation bill, would have allowed employers and insurers to opt out of portions of the president's health care law they found morally objectionable. That would have included the law's requirement that insurers cover the costs of birth control.

Republicans said it was a matter of freedom of religion; Democrats said it was an assault on women's rights and could be used to cancel virtually any part of the law.

Roy Blunt is a jackass who doesn't care about the people. Well, that's not true, he doesn't give a damn about women. If you're a male, you're all aces in his book.  He came thisclose to leading a charge against womenfolk, and winning.  Though he promises it isn't over, and won't be until he gets his way.

Folks, 51-48 is too close. We were too close to having our medical rights stomped on.

Some people will say there is a good point to be had. I respectfully say screw you. Here's how you know they don't really give a damn about "morally objectionable" and only care about forcing women into a corner:

  • There is no movement to affect any other industries.  They are not asking for the law to protect hotel owners to deny service to an unwed couple or people they may find morally objectionable.  You know, that (gasp) premarital sex happens somewhere.  Their family values are not offended enough to delve into vasectomy or those darned condom companies.
  • There has been no mention of increased aid for unwanted children, the obvious outcome.  There is no discussion of child support, enforcement, or aid for the women who will be expected to stop their world to raise children that they did not want to have.  Boys will be boys, right?  
  • There were many complaints about how vague and open to interpretation the language was.  It would seem any time something became too expensive, one could claim a moral offense and it wasn't their problem anymore.  Hey, if your disease looks like it is related to being overweight, the Bible says you are to be moderate in your lifestyle.  So it looks like you aren't covered, piggy piggy.  It could happen, and if this step is taken it is inevitable.
  • Their fever to sound like Baptist preachers stops right when it becomes an inconvenience to them. They aren't going to outlaw smoking, gambling, drinking or strip clubs.  But  if you are upset about paying for insurance and paying full price for some medicine because it is morally offensive to someone else?  Serves you right, sinner!  
  • There is no understanding from Republicans that employers and insurance do not have any right to judge the services people use.  Women should not have to answer for their legal choices.
  • There is no acknowledgement that married women use birth control, and younger teenage girls use the Pill for more than just avoiding pregnancy.  This has become a controlling sex agenda, and they aren't even trying to pretend otherwise. 
  • There was no acknowledgement of the Constitution.  There was no acknowledgement of women's health issues.  There was no reply that said "I hear you, here is the logic behind our ideas."  There was just "I think it's wrong and you are under my control.  STFU and keep an aspirin between your knees."
Bullshit times infinity.  I beg everyone to get involved to put an end to this.  It's criminal, and it's coming from our own leaders, people who stopped caring about those pesky checks and balances and have decided they know what is best for the people.  Some of the guys in charge have lost their damn minds, I can't think of another way to say it.

Blunt is nuttier than a squirrel turd.  I look forward to watching Elizabeth Warren use this to the maximum, to draw the line for women.  The tides will turn, and when they do there will be hell to pay.  The sheer stupidity in crying for religious protection while using their religion to make personal decisions for free citizens is appalling.  

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