Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Add This To Your List Of Bad Words

Phyllis Sclafly, the "godmother of conservatism" spoke to an all-male audience and told them to avoid feminists.  This is from a successful woman, by the way.  
"Feminist is a bad word and everything they stand for is bad," she went on. "Find out if your girlfriend is a feminist before you get too far into it. Some of them are pretty."
The ability of the GOP to find women willing to sell out their own kind is mind-boggling.  How do they convince women to remain quiet, let alone play the roles that Bachmann and Palin had in destroying women's image and respect in politics.

Watch out for the pretty ones.  If they are too mouthy or bossy, best you go looking for a nice submissive woman, who knows how to obey her husband (like Bachmann).  Or get a gal who isn't intellectually challenging, someone who will lose every battle of wits and achieve subservient perfection through stupidity (Palin).

Or grow a pair and get a partner, not a decoration.  I suppose it is the fellow's choice, but I couldn't imagine respecting a man who believed everything feminists stand for is bad.

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