Monday, April 2, 2012

POTUS Nails It Yet Again

President Obama has taped a video message praising Planned Parenthood, and telling members he will continue fighting Republican efforts to cut their federal funding.

"For you, and for most Americans, protecting women's health is a mission that stands above politics," Obama said in the video entitled "a message to Planned Parenthood supporters."

"And yet, over the past year. you've had to stand up to politicians who want to deny millions of women the care they rely on," he said.

"Let's be clear here," Obama said. "Women are not an interest group. They're mothers and daughters and sisters and wives -- they're half of this country."

I'm so relieved and grateful that Obama sees the plight of women and is standing strong in protecting our rights. He understands that this is unfair, and that women are more than pawns to be shoved around in a big boy's game. We are people, not objects to be controlled and manipulated. We are citizens, and our government was designed and charged with protecting and serving us.

Our current leader understands this and fights on our behalf. I pray the next term allows us more of the same.  Yes, let's be clear here.

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