Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Dark Side

And if there's any doubt that Taylor Marsh is now very much not one of the good guys, she gives us our plan for Hillary 2016: Liz Cheney.

Why aren’t women on the right being more aggressive for a woman vice presidential nominee? 

Are they really going to settle for two men on the ticket? It’s so 20th century.

Is Sarah Palin’s disastrous candidacy actually going to make them miss this moment? A moment ripe to beat Pres. Obama, but which comes with a Republican nominee who’s a horrific political candidate that desperately needs a lift, someone who could appeal to the majority voting block, women.

When Mrs. Cheney was asked about her political ambitions on Fox News Channel, she demurred: “I’m really focused on defeating Barack Obama. We don’t have the luxury, frankly, of looking beyond this election.”

What better way to take on Obama than next to Mitt Romney?

So Romney wins with Liz Cheney as his veep, but don't worry, there's a greater good at work here other than the fact Romney would get to pick 2-4 SCOTUS justices and put a permanent end to liberalism in America.

Who wouldn’t pay to see Liz Cheney debate Joe Biden?

Marco versus Joe? That’s just funny, but the vetting sweepstakes would be a ball.

Oh, and what a vice presidential pit bull Liz would be, complete with lipstick.

If someone isn’t whispering in Mitt Romney’s ear about Elizabeth Cheney, I’d like to know why not.

This is my answer to Bill Kristol’s nauseating article for the Weekly Standard that once again trots out the ridiculous Obama-Hillary for 2012, because what he should be writing about is Elizabeth Cheney. He’s just distracted, because his main goal is to get Hillary Clinton tarred with the whole Obama – Romney 2012 disaster, which it will be no matter who is elected. Because if Bill Kristol and his back room boys aren’t worried about Hillary for 2016 they’re certifiable. They know she’s not sure if she’ll run, but they also realize if she does she’ll be a political bullet train.

She's so far gone that she'd now rather see Romney/Cheney in the White House than Obama/Clinton.  The woman is insane.  Her hatred for Barack Obama is so massive she's willing to give the country to the GOP just to create a disaster large enough that we'll all "demand" Hillary Clinton for President four years from now.

Complete.  Insanity.

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