Friday, May 18, 2012

It's Not Me... It's You. Really.

(CBS/AP) RICHMOND, Va. - The Virginia House of Delegates, voting in Tuesday's wee morning hours, has blocked an openly gay Richmond prosecutor from appointment to a general district judgeship in the city.
Tracy Thorne-Begland received 33 yes votes, 31 no votes - all from Republicans - and 10 abstentions in his bid to become what gay-rights advocates contend would be Virginia's first openly gay jurist.
Richmond Commonwealth's Attorney Michael N. Herring said today that Virginia lawmakers who scuttled the judicial nomination did so without any justification that he was unqualified for the bench, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
"It's hard to think about what happened in the General Assembly and not conclude that it's a form of bigotry," Herring said. 

So the next time we hear "Oh no, it's not that we don't like gays, it's just that we want to define marriage" you are free and clear to call bullshit.  This had nothing to do with marriage, and everything to do with sending a message.  Stay in your place, message received loud and clear.  It's not exclusively GOP bias, but they corner the market.

Please, oh please let this type of stupidity end soon.

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