Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Call

My twitter timeline blew up this morning when news that Newark Mayor Cory Booker said this on Meet The Press this morning (About the 6:30 mark):

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, Newark, New Jersey Mayor and Obama surrogate Cory Booker said he was “uncomfortable” with the Obama campaign’s attacks on Mitt Romney’s career with Bain Capital.

“It’s a distraction from the real issues,” Booker said, of both attacks on Bain and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. “It’s either gonna be a small campaign about this crap, or it’s gonna be a big campaign about the issues the American public cares about.”

“I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity,” Booker added. “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses — to grow businesses. And this to me, I’m very uncomfortable.”
Cory? Bro? I love you, man, but equating the Obama campaign's attacks on Bain Capital to the attacks this week on the President about Rev. Wright is, how shall I say this gently? Complete bullshit?

If you're a surrogate for the Obama campaign and the RNC is happily quoting you, You're Doing It Wrong(tm).

Later on in the discussion, Jim Cramer comes out to the left of Booker on this and reminds us that, you know, Bain got rich by job un-creating a lot of people's jobs. Jim effing Cramer is the voice of reason? C'mon Cory, you're better than this.

And yes, I understand asking the Mayor of Newark to attack Wall Street is like asking a Kentucky or West Virginia Democratic Mayor to attack Big Coal. It's just not going to happen. But equating the Obama campaign's attacks on Bain to the Jeremiah Wright nonsense is way the hell over the line and I'm calling him out on it. Period, full stop.

Mayor Booker then followed up this afternoon with this mea culpa:

And he does admit that what he said wasn't exactly kosher. Good for him.

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