Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why We Need Sex Education

Without science to cloud our minds with those pesky facts, Republicans can then lie and the uneducated masses won't be able to spot the deception.  Blaming the victim has been a long-standing practice, as has denying women a choice to carry a child conceived by rape.  Despite the claims that women are just wanting to get rid of babies everywhere, a surprising number of women do continue the pregnancy.  The important thing to me is that they have a choice.  Being forced to have sex against your will, then forced to carry and nurture the product of that act is a double assault.

BuzzFeed brings us an interesting array of comments that show us what is going on.

I'm sorry if I am a bit slow, but I just stumbled across the statement made in 1988 about how women can't get pregnant from rape:

The odds that a woman who is raped will get pregnant are "one in millions and millions and millions," said state Rep. Stephen Freind, R-Delaware County, the Legislature's leading abortion foe.
The reason, Freind said, is that the traumatic experience of rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that tends to kill sperm.
"Secrete a certain secretion"... that's very scientific, yo.  I'm glad you enlightened me with not just a lie, but one so vague and useless that it not only can damage women, but did it ever occur to this jackass that it might also encourage rape?

But in case that is too far back in the past for you, here is a snippet from 2006:

"I think that life begins when the chromosomes of the sperm and egg line up," said Dr. Richard Dobbins, who works in the emergency department at Hardin Memorial Hospital in Kenton.
Dobbins also questioned the need for emergency contraception in rape cases, saying that most women either are not fertile during assault or do not become pregnant because the trauma prompts a hormonal response that prevents ovulation.
"So if they do get pregnant, they wanted it, is that it?" a reproductive-rights advocate in the audience asked.

Of course it is.  Women want to be forced to carry and raise a child they never asked for, and nurture the product of an unspeakable violence performed against them. But thanks for asking.

Then, in the midst of all the stupidity, we have a quote from Planned Parenthood.  The only quote that shows caring and understanding for women who have been violated.  Based on actual numbers, compassion and knowledge, our beacon of truth the that has had its funding slashed ever since:

I heard that a woman can't get pregnant from being raped. Is that true?
No, it is not true. Women can and do get pregnant from rape. In fact, more than five percent of all rapes result in pregnancy. That is one reason why Planned Parenthood is fighting so hard to make it mandatory for emergency rooms across the country to offer emergency contraception to women who have been raped.
Emergency contraception can reduce the risk of pregnancy by 75 to 89 percent. More than 22,000 unwanted pregnancies a year could be prevented if all U.S. women who were raped were provided with emergency contraception.

Now seriously, who should I believe is Public Enemy #1 here, the ones who lie and demean women, or the ones who try to help?

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