Friday, June 8, 2012

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

New York congressional GOP candidates Joe Carvin and Jim Russell are running in the primary in NY-17 against Democrat Nita Lowey, and if you're wondering why Lowey really isn't in any danger of losing her job, it's the fact that the GOP hopefuls are a hedge fund tycoon and a "racial separatist".

The Republican primary campaign in New York’s redrawn 17th Congressional district in Rockland and Westchester Counties is getting ugly — and personal.

Joe Carvin, the Rye Town Supervisor, is resurfacing Russell's writings advocating racial separation. Carvin is married to an African American woman and the couple have two children.

“Effectively, he’s delegitimizing my children,” Carvin told WNYC on Tuesday. “To have him represent the Republican Party for Congress is reprehensible.”

The separatist writings first surfaced during Russell’s last attempt to beat Democratic Rep. Nita Lowey two years ago. The writings include a 2001 article in The Occidential Quarterly, in which Russell denounced “media moguls who deliberately popularize miscegenation in films,”, branding it “sociobiological warfare” against “our youth.”

The article was first reported on by Politico in 2010, and the Republican party subsequently withdrew its support of Russell’s candidacy. Russell called Republicans “hypersensitive” in an interview with the New York Times. But, noting that he wrote the essay ten years ago, he added, “Some of it’s a little bit more strident than I would put it today.”

Carvin, a hedge fund manager, has the endorsement of local Republican party in Westchester and Rockland County. He also has more money on hand than Lowey’s $981,000, thanks to a $1 million dollars he donated to his campaign.

Carvin downplayed his money advantage on Tuesday. “A million dollars is neither here nor there,” he said, particularly in what’s expected to be a low turnout election.

Yeah, gosh, who should you vote for, the guy advocating for the races to be kept apart by law, or the guy who says a million clams is "neither here nor there"?   Why, I think Nita Lowey might win again this fall.

Just saying.

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