Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Couple Denies Tacky Justice

From the Herald Tribune:

According to a sheriff's report, one day in May, someone spread carpet tacks over a long section of the paved hiking and biking trail that stretches from Sarasota to Venice.
The scene of the crime was not far from the Bay Street entrance in Osprey. Before the tacks were reported and cleaned up, some bike club members I talked to estimate the tacks caused flats on 30 to 40 bikes. Many were riding in groups and hit them together.
Who knew it was that easy for some unknown jerk to anonymously ruin so many people's rides on that popular trail?
But hold on. Did I say unknown? Just maybe, the culprit isn't all that anonymous.
As a report makes clear, an investigator felt sure right away who his prime suspect had to be. He thought of the woman who had, in his written words, "left large piles of debris in the middle of the trail," and "disrupted events and made threats to persons using the trail." The investigator concluded: "I feel that it can be attributed to her."
Now, the article explains why this couple would be suspects, and even has some evidence (such as buying tacks).  However, it does seem a little strange to me to hear that their guilt is just assumed.  I realize this isn't a major criminal investigation, but really, anyone could have done it.

Yes, they have a bad history, including calling the cops to the point that they no longer respond.  I'll even go so far as to say they are likely involved.  But we can't just assume their guilt, or what we are doing is far worse than scattering tacks on a trail.


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