Saturday, June 30, 2012

Here We Go Again

Republicans are now back to the "repeat complete falsehoods on the ACA until they become conventional widsom" plan, and the notion is to repeat the summer and fall of 2010 in town halls, campaign stops, and the ballot box.  I can't blame them for going this route.  I can blame us for being stupid enough to fall for it again.  Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby "Kenny" Jindal:

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) said Thursday's "frightening" Supreme Court ruling could lead to penalties for Americans whose lives are out of step with government priorities.

On a call with reporters, Jindal said that the decision to uphold the healthcare law as a tax is a "blow to our freedoms."

"What's next?" he said, expressing concern for people who "refuse to eat tofu" or "refuse to drive a Chevy Volt" — a popular hybrid car.

To repeat, Bobby Jindal would like you to know that the Republican Party believes that affordable health care for the tens of millions of uninsured is not a priority for Americans, especially not the uninsured ones.  What the ruling actually does do is allow states like Louisiana to deal with uninsured Americans costing the states billions through high-risk insurance pools, exchanges to shop for the best deal, federal Medicaid expansion and subsidy assistance.  Does Gov. Jindal want to take advantage of that?  Of course not.

Jindal said he expects opposition to the law to "escalate" before November and that Republican governors will wait for the outcome of the election before implementing the law. 

Here's the funny part:  insurance companies absolutely see the cost savings in this plan, as do hospitals, and they are going to be ringing Jindal's phone off the hook until he comes crawling to the feds to join the law.  The Health care industry has accepted the law and is moving to implement it for the red states, because frankly the crapload of uninsured folks in those states are costing the health care industry an assload of money.

It's not up to guys like Jindal anymore.  That ship sailed.

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