Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Committed To The Cause

Over at Politicus USA, Jason Easley makes this Sunday show catch from Obama campaign spokesman Robert Gibbs and CNN's Candy Crowley about the President's position on letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the wealthy:

GIBBS: We ought to do something about this deficit, and we ought to protect middle class tax cuts, and the best way to do that is to let the upper-end tax cuts expire, let the wealthy in this country that had been doing fine for years and years and years begin to pay their fair share, and make sure that we protect the tax rate that middle-class families have had for the past many years.

CROWLEY: So the president is totally committed to getting rid of the tax cut for those making $250,000 and above.

GIBBS: Let’s make some progress on our spending by doing away with tax cuts for people who quite frankly don’t need them, tax cuts that have not worked, and have them pay their fair share.

CROWLEY: So is that a yes or a no? The president is completely committed to this, he won’t allow it to happen?

GIBBS: He is 100 percent committed to it.

To recap, President Obama is 100 percent committed to raising taxes on people like President Obama.  Mitt Romney is 100% committed to giving massive tax breaks to people like Mitt Romney.  Any questions?

And as Jason says, let's see Mitt Romney defend tax breaks for millionaires when nearly 70% of Americans believe the tax system is unfair and favors the rich.  Go ahead, guys.

We'll wait.

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