Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ryan Rhymes With Lyin', Part 2

I don't know how many times I will have to say this between now and November 7, but when Paul Ryan says that current seniors won't be hurt by the Ryan budget plan, he is flat out lying to you.

Medicare is not the only entitlement Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has big plans to reform.

Its sister program, Medicaid, would lose about three-quarters of its federal funding by 2050 under proposals from the Republican vice presidential candidate, according to federal budget auditors.

Medicaid provides healthcare for the poor and the disabled. Over 10 years, Ryan's budget plan would cut the program's budget by about $810 billion.

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has been playing up the cuts that President Obama’s healthcare reform law made to Medicare, but hasn’t devoted much attention to Medicaid. One expert said there’s a good reason for that.

"It's a program that's very hard to simplify," said Matt Salo, executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

"It pays for 40 percent of the country's births and the majority of the nation's long-term care [for the elderly]. It's one of the most complex programs in the U.S. government — on the level of tax policy."

The Ryan budget made the same waste and fraud future spending reductions that the Obama administration proposed to Medicare Advantage, not Medicare itself.  Paul Ryan is a liar when he said today in Florida that the Obama administration "raided Medicare to pay for Obamacare."

This.  Is.  A Boldfaced.  Lie.

Cuts to Medicaid will affect a majority of current seniors, folks.  It really is that simple.  I'll say it again:  cuts to Medicaid will hurt current seniors.  Now.  Immediately.  If the Ryan budget becomes law, this is what will happen.  Seniors will see immediate cuts in Medicaid that they will have to make up out of pocket.

On top of that, future Seniors will have to pay even more because of the voucher system.  These vouchers will leave seniors well short of the money they'll need in order to pay for private insurance, because THERE WILL BE NO MEDICARE.  There will only be vouchers for private insurance.  Got it?  And on top of that, the Medicare age will be pushed back to 67.  And on top of that, since there's no Obamacare (because Obama, he does care!), you will be a private citizen trying to buy insurance at age 65.

Good luck with that.

Romney/Ryan will cut Medicaid for current Seniors, and destroy Medicare and Medicaid for future seniors.  And why?

To pay for tax breaks for the richest Americans$5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich.  Either the middle class has to pay for it in these massive government program cuts (and that means Romney/Ryan is lying to you) or the cuts will go unpaid and the national debt will skyrocket just on the tax cuts alone (also meaning Romney/Ryan are lying to you.)

And Paul Ryan took his mother down to Florida and used her as a prop to lie to America with.

These are the guys running against Obama, folks.  Liars.

Don't fall for it.  Get up off your ass.  Go register to vote.  Help people register to vote where you live.  Then VOTE.

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