Thursday, September 13, 2012

Honey Boo Boo... Enough Already!

I hadn't watched Toddlers and Tiaras, or any of the reality shows that involve kids.  I get too angry at what I see.  Except for the occasional guilty Bridezilla marathon, I really avoid that stuff in general.  So it took a while for me to see the horror that is Honey Boo Boo.

This little girl was raised to be deranged.  She has no more of an idea of how the world works than a potato.  And actually, I do believe people have tried harder to teach potatoes.  Her parents aren't living in our reality, and they are setting little precious up for a long and ugly fall in the years ahead.  This child actually thinks when she stamps her foot the world will stop and wait for her command.

Normally, I'd say to each their own, but in this case it would be great to see a complete refusal to cooperate and kill this show.  Viewers are adding to the train wreck that is a child's life.  She may not get better, ever, but she sure as hell won't while being encouraged to be as outrageous and obnoxious as possible.  Her parents are nuts, and they are bringing a perfect chip off the crazy old block into this world.  Goody for them.  Meanwhile, good parents aren't exciting enough to watch, and are eating cereal for dinner while Honey Boo Boo and company are at a steakhouse, getting paid to gorge and annoy.

Something is wrong with that formula.

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