Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

National Review's Peter Kirsanow asks:

Why Isn’t Romney Up by Ten Points?

Because he's a douchebag.  Americans don't like the economy.  They dislike Romney more.  Period.  Here's my favorite part:

But here’s the thing: The most recent Rasmussen party identification poll has Republicans with a 4.3 percentage point advantage over Democrats nationally. At the same point in the 2008 election cycle Democrats had a 5.7 percent advantage. That’s a 10 point swing, a swing that began to manifest itself in the 2010 midterms, when the Democrats’ advantage fell to just 1.2 points — and they suffered an epic blowout.

The polls may be provide a fairly accurate snapshot of where the race is today. But there’s reason to believe Obama’s appreciably weaker than four years ago, and Republicans should be more optimistic than the timid souls that populate our TV screens seem to be.

You see, THE POLLS ARE ALWAYS WRONG if they show Obama ahead.  And comparing a midterm contest to a Presidential year is always a lesson for heartbreak, given the massive turnout difference.

Make no mistake, we'll be hearing how Obama "stole the election" if it's anything closer than it was in 2008, and that will be the battle cry heading into the impeachment trials.

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